
Gannan navel oranges: I’m too “southern”

In the beginning of winter, there are always a bunch of round and yellow figures in various fruit stalls, that is, Gannan navel oranges with rich juice and sweet and sour taste.
Gannan navel oranges are not only nutritious, but also have a fresh aroma, moderate sweetness and sourness.





However, near the launch of navel oranges, affected by the drought and lack of rain in the second half of the year, 100,000 mu of navel oranges in southern Jiangxi were short of water and drought! Jiangxi is located in the south, and Ganzhou is close to Nanchang, one of the “Four Furnaces”. The meteorological statistics from Ganzhou show that the weather lasted for more than a month from early September to late October.

Ganzhou in October
Affected by the weather, the navel oranges hanging on the branches experienced different degrees of drought and water shortage, and many navel orange leaves began to wrinkle and shrivel. The navel oranges are also generally smaller than in previous years, the weeds on the ground have turned yellow, and the fields have cracks due to lack of water.

As a senior fruit foodie, the editor is more concerned about whether the price of Gannan navel oranges will rise due to the drought this year? According to the actual understanding of local fruit farmers in southern Gansu: At present, the market price of navel oranges is rising, because the production of navel oranges is generally reduced, the supply is tight, and the price remains high; in the production areas of navel oranges, affected by the Huanglongbing disease in recent years and the impact of last year’s fruit, farmers generally take a wait-and-see attitude , navel oranges are in short supply, and the supply is not large; with the increase in market demand

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