
Navel orange supplier in China







On December 12, the Gannan Navel Orange Culture Week, co sponsored by Ganzhou Municipal People’s Government, the European Union Working Committee of the China Association for Economic and Technological Cooperation, and organized by Xinfeng County People’s Government, Ganzhou Fruit Industry Service Center, and Ganzhou Radio and Television Station, was officially launched in Beijing.


Pan Feng, Vice President of China Association for European Economic and Technological Cooperation, and Zhou Qing, Vice President of Wangfujing Group attended the event and delivered speeches.


“Gannan navel orange tastes good!” “Unexpectedly, Gannan navel orange has been planted in Gannan for 50 years!” The guests gathered at the event, which was very lively. Some of them were immersed in Ganzhou culture, while others were full of praise for Gannan navel orange.


The activity site was divided into four areas, namely, the “orange” living room, which showcased the variety of “Chinese Famous Fruit” and the first batch of products protected by the China EU Geographical Indications Agreement Gannan Navel Orange; The “orange” navel orange display and tasting area displays the Gannan navel orange of different varieties, packages and specifications; The “orange” heart and “orange” meaning navel orange culture exhibition area mainly displays the development process of the navel orange industry in southern Jiangxi; Welcome to the “Orange” tasting and selling area. Guests can taste and buy Gannan navel oranges on the spot, or purchase online through the “Learning Powerful” Powerful City. Most of the navel oranges and their deep processed products exhibited at the event came from Xinfeng County, the “hometown of navel oranges in China”.


It is reported that Gannan Navel Orange (Beijing) Culture Week will last until the 18th. During this period, through a series of activities such as Gannan navel orange entering Wangfujing, it aims to build a high-end platform for exchange and cooperation, further promote the four business cards of Ganzhou, promote the brand of Ganzhou navel orange, carry forward the culture of Ganzhou navel orange, constantly expand the popularity and reputation of Gannan navel orange and Ganzhou in the world, and help Ganzhou develop by leaps and bounds with high quality.


Ganzhou is known as the “Orange Village of the World”. Since the 1980s, the majority of fruit farmers in Ganzhou have worked hard, and the whole city has worked together to vigorously implement a series of strategic measures, such as “mountain reconstruction”, “rejuvenating fruits and enriching the people”, “building a world famous navel orange main production area”, “cultivating an industrial cluster worth more than 10 billion yuan”, “building an influential navel orange industrial base with market voice throughout the country and the world”, which has formed a superior navel orange production area unmatched by other regions, Gannan navel orange has developed from a simple planting industry into an industrial cluster integrating planting production, warehousing and logistics, and intensive processing. Through the development of the navel orange industry, the people in southern Jiangxi have found a good way to increase their income and become rich. The navel orange has become a veritable agricultural “master tree”, a rural “wealth tree” and a “cash cow” for farmers in Ganzhou. At present, the planting area of navel oranges in the city is 1.78 million mu, with an output of 1.4 million tons. Gannan Navel Orange, with a brand value of 68.185 billion yuan, is one of the first products listed in the China EU Geographical Indications Agreement.

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