
Export of Gannan navel oranges from China to Malaysia







Xiaosong Town navel orange, one of the specialties of Shicheng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, is a national geographical indication product of China. The fruit is large and straight in shape, with bright orange red color, smooth and beautiful appearance. The meat is crispy and tender, turning into residue, with a strong sweet and fragrant flavor. It has a strong orange aroma, and the taste is moderate in sweetness and acidity.Gannan navel orange has a long history. More than 1500 years ago, Liu Jingye from the Northern and Southern Dynasties recorded in his book “Yiyuan” that “there is Xishi Mountain in Nankang, with citrus, orange, and pomelo”. By the Northern Song Dynasty, citrus, orange, pomelo, and other fruit trees had already grown into forests. During the Qing Dynasty, Gannan navel orange was one of the fruits that lower officials paid tribute to the court.Gannan navel orange, as a beautiful industrial business card of Ganzhou City, has been awarded titles such as China Famous Trademark, China National Geographic Indication Protection Product, China Famous Fruit, “Top Ten Regional Public Brands of Agricultural Products” in China, and the most popular regional public brand of Chinese agricultural products among consumers. It has been included in the “100+100” mutual recognition and protection publicity list between China and Europe.-Geographical advantages-Xiaosong Town has a mild climate with distinct four seasons, abundant rainfall, sufficient sunlight, and a long frost free period, which is conducive to the planting of navel oranges; And in spring, it is rainy, warm and humid, which is beneficial for the growth, flowering, and fruiting of navel oranges; Autumn and winter are sunny, dry with little rain, and there is a large temperature difference between day and night, which is conducive to the accumulation of sugar in navel orange fruits and has the climatic conditions for navel orange cultivation.Komatsu Town has a unique geographical environment, Danxia landform, red and acidic soil, rich in a variety of trace rare earth elements, rare earth has an irreplaceable role in the formation of fruit pigment, and can also increase the content of sugar, vitamin C and aroma of the fruit, making the taste and storage resistance of navel orange better.-How to eat navel oranges-Gannan navel orange is very nutritious, containing a large amount of vitamin C and carotene, which can prevent scurvy, soften and protect blood vessels, and reduce cholesterol and blood lipids. Moreover, the fruit pulp has sufficient moisture, which can effectively replenish the body’s water needs and alleviate discomfort caused by dryness during the dry winter season.Gannan navel oranges are delicious without getting too hot. One orange a day meets the body’s vitamin C needs, and can be eaten, squeezed, and consumed directly, suitable for all ages. Navel oranges contain flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and enhance the body’s immune system. It is suitable for fresh food, as a gift to relatives and friends, or for making various preserved fruits and canned goods. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen, appetizing, and sobering up alcohol.In addition to the flesh, the peel of navel oranges also has many functions. In the local area, many people clean the peeled fruit skin and dry it in the sun. When cooking, it can be used for seasoning and removing fishiness.The navel orange peel contains a layer of fruit oil, which, when peeled off, emits a faint orange aroma and can be kept at home or in the refrigerator to freshen the air; In winter, indoor areas where windows are rarely opened for ventilation, adding some orange peel can also improve air quality.

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