
Gannan Navel Orange World Navel Orange Hometown




The Growth Path of Billion Scale IndustriesFrom a few hundred fruit trees to a billion dollar industry, Gannan navel orange has been “overcoming obstacles and cutting through thorns” all the way. The cultivation of navel oranges in the Ganzhou region has a history of over 1500 years. As early as the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there was a record in “Yiyuan” that “there is Xishi Mountain in Nankang, and there are oranges, oranges, and pomelos”. Although the planting history of citrus fruits in Ganzhou region is long, the planting history of Gannan navel oranges began in 1970. According to Huang Chuanlong, a cadre of the Ganzhou Fruit Industry Development Center, the “emerging” Gannan navel oranges began with “one person and 156 seedlings”.This “one person” is Yuan Shougen, who was then a technician at Xinfeng Anxi Horticultural Farm. In November 1970, Yuan Shougen went to Shaoyang, Hunan to purchase citrus seedlings and discovered the “Washington” navel orange imported from the United States locally. At that time, Yuan Shougen learned that navel oranges also belonged to a type of citrus, and their economic benefits were superior to other citrus industries in Ganzhou. With a trial and error mentality, he bought 200 “Washington” navel orange seedlings, brought them back to Xinfeng, and planted them on a small hill.A wonderful turning point quietly sprouted and emerged from this navel orange “experimental field”. Fruit trees, which were originally difficult to survive and had low yields in Hunan, are shining brightly and thriving in southern Jiangxi. After 5 years of careful cultivation, 156 of the 200 navel orange seedlings brought back survived and successfully fruited.In April 1976, Yuan Shougen picked 20 navel oranges from Anxi Horticultural Farm and sent them to the Canton Fair for trial sale, receiving praise from on-site merchants. Therefore, the province decided to build a thousand acre navel orange garden in Xinfeng for export. The following year, Yuan Shougen organized a ton of navel oranges to be supplied to the Hong Kong market, selling at a “skyrocketing price” of HKD 36 per kilogram.Afterwards, 10 units from 8 counties in Gannan region successively introduced and tested the cultivation of “Washington” navel oranges. Three export bases for navel oranges were also established within the city, including Xinfeng Anxi, Dayu Qinglong, and Ningdu Tiantou, marking the beginning of the great development of navel oranges in Gannan. In the next 40 years of development, the planting scale of navel oranges in Gannan continued to grow. By 2013, the total planting area of navel oranges reached 1.83 million acres, with a total output of 1.5 million tons.However, also in 2013, there was a major outbreak of citrus yellow dragon disease in the Gannan region. The citrus industry in Ganzhou City suffered a heavy blow, with large fruit trees being cut down and the scale of the navel orange industry sharply declining. But the pace of industrial progress did not stop due to the arrival of the “cold wave”. Ganzhou City has strengthened comprehensive prevention and control of citrus yellow dragon disease, effectively curbing the spread of the disease by promoting key technologies for comprehensive prevention and control of yellow dragon disease.Under the collaborative efforts of the government and various industry entities, the navel orange industry in Gannan has been revitalized. As of 2021, the planting area of navel oranges in the city has gradually recovered to 1.75 million mu, with a yield of 1.5 million tons and an output value of 16.6 billion yuan.02Opening up a larger market with quality and brandGanzhou City has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with abundant rainfall, sufficient sunlight, large temperature difference between day and night, and a long frost free period. In addition, the deep red soil layer and slightly acidic soil provide a unique growth environment for Gannan navel oranges. The innate advantage of breeding has made the flesh of Gannan navel orange crispy and tender, with a strong sweet and fragrant flavor, laying a high-quality foundation for the Gannan navel orange industry. Ganzhou City firmly grasps the advantages of natural resources and has formulated the “Gannan Navel Orange Standardization Orchard Identification Method” and “Gannan Navel Orange High Quality Cultivation Base Identification Method” to promote the high quality cultivation of Navel Orange.At the same time, we will implement ecological park building, sunshine engineering, green development, and “fertile soil engineering”, continuously promote the standardization and ecological construction of Gannan navel orange industry, improve and promote the application of Gannan navel orange quality brand traceability system, and comprehensively safeguard the quality of Gannan navel orange fruit.Quality creates a brand. Ganzhou City attaches great importance to brand building and continuously improves the premium capacity of Gannan navel oranges. According to Huang Chuanlong, in recent years, with the focus on enhancing the Gannan navel orange brand, Ganzhou City has continuously increased brand promotion efforts, strengthened brand protection, and made efforts in multiple areas to continuously enhance brand competitiveness. Last year, in the “2022 China Brand Value Evaluation Information Release”, Gannan Navel Orange ranked sixth among regional brands (geographical indication products) in China and first in the fruit category with a brand value of 68.637 billion yuan.With the dual support of quality and brand, Gannan navel orange has entered the domestic market of large and medium-sized cities, and is exported to countries such as Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, etc., achieving “national fame and overseas reputation”. With the continuous increase in production capacity of Gannan navel oranges and the increasing saturation of the domestic market, expanding into larger foreign markets is a necessary path for industrial development. We will also inject more strength into expanding into foreign markets in the future. Huang Chuanlong is full of confidence in the future of industrial development.03Extending the Industrial Chain to Create Higher BenefitsYears of hard work have yielded fruitful results. The navel orange industry in Gannan has reached a scale, and how to further promote the improvement of industry quality and efficiency, and seek greater profits for practitioners is a practical issue that Ganzhou City is exploring and cracking. To this end, Ganzhou City actively expands and extends the industrial chain, and constructs an industrial integration development system.Over the past 20 years, the rapid development of Gannan navel oranges has driven the development of related supporting industries such as seedling, production, breeding, agricultural materials, grading, packaging, processing, storage, transportation, as well as mechanical manufacturing, tourism and leisure. At the same time, Ganzhou City vigorously carries out agricultural investment promotion around supplementing, strengthening, and extending the chain, attracting numerous merchants to invest and build factories in the Gannan region, and introducing a group of leading enterprises. Currently, there are 111 leading enterprises in the Gannan navel orange industry in the city, including 71 at the municipal level, 36 at the provincial level, and 4 at the national level.Yang’s fruit industry was one of the members who entered the development trend of navel oranges in Gannan. We were originally engaged in the export trade of navel oranges in Guangxi. In the 1990s, the domestic export volume of navel oranges was large, and the fruit supply capacity in Guangxi was insufficient. At that time, Gannan region was vigorously developing the navel orange industry, so we turned our attention to this side, “Yang Guanrong told reporters.In 2003, with the support of government investment policies, Yang’s Fruit Industry began construction of the first phase of processing plant in Xunwu County, gradually building a planting base, and the scale has continued to grow. It has now grown into a modern new agricultural enterprise that integrates fruit initial processing, high-quality fruit trade, and fruit planting, playing an important economic traction role. In addition, in order to supplement the shortcomings of deep processing, Ganzhou City actively introduces deep processing enterprises to adapt to the industrial scale and market development needs.At present, enterprises such as Nongfu Spring, Anyuan Guoran Food, Shicheng Dedu Food, Qiyunshan Food, and Ruijin Kejiahong Brewing Co., Ltd. are actively collaborating with research institutes to develop deep processed navel orange products with the support of the government.In addition to emphasizing the development of planting and processing industries, Ganzhou City actively expands new business formats such as “navel orange+tourism”, “navel orange+health care”, and “navel orange+culture”, builds and cultivates a number of industrial integration development demonstration zones, expands the space for industrial innovation and development, and promotes the integration of three industries. From fresh fruit sales to deep processing, to the integration of agriculture and tourism, the navel orange industry in Gannan has driven the employment of millions of rural laborers, assisted 250000 local growers and 700000 fruit farmers in increasing their income and wealth, and successfully achieved a win-win situation between industrial construction and farmers’ income.Anchor your goal and leap forward. Ganzhou City is focusing on the goal of building a world-class high-quality navel orange industry base, continuously optimizing the variety structure, strengthening the technological innovation ability, market competitiveness, and brand influence of Gannan navel orange industry, and promoting the high-quality development of Gannan navel orange industry.

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