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Oven; clean oven surfaces daily, check all wiring for unobstructed continuity, maintain chain and switch continuity. ensure its work efficiency. Measure the temperature inside the oven every 15 days. Clean the inside of the oven and clean the fan blades inside the oven. Check the chain of the oven regularly. The difference between an electric oven and a microwave.


The difference in the heating principle of the two determines the qualitative difference in the cooking effect of the food.

Microwave oven: The collision, friction and vibration between material molecules generate heat through microwaves. The faster the molecules move, the higher the temperature. Simply put, it is to heat yourself; the heating is from the inside out; the heating effect is uneven, and it is easy to lose water; the good function of the microwave oven is that it can quickly heat food.

Electric oven: The resistance wire generates heat under the action of current, one is magnetic energy and the other is thermal energy. It is a traditional method of cooking food using the principle of heat conduction. The oven is heated from the outside to the inside; the food is heated evenly, which can better maintain the moisture and original nutrients of the food. Try to use the oven for bread, cakes, pizza, roast chicken and meat.

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