
Curtain fabric classification The classification of curtain fabric: First,




Curtain fabric classification
The classification of curtain fabric: First, curtain curtain can be divided into: artificial fiber curtain, wood curtain, bamboo curtain. Double track super fire curtain two, curtain pinhole aluminum vertical curtain jacquard curtain glass fiber curtain pinhole cloth curtain flat woven fabric curtain three, hundred curtain four, fold curtain hundred fold curtain day and night curtain sewing room curtain five, home textile new technology curtain light control curtain soundproof curtain energy-saving curtain stealth curtain solar curtain
👉 Rolling shades
Rolling curtains can be divided into: artificial fiber rolling curtains, wood rolling curtains, bamboo rolling curtains.
The curtain can be divided into: pinhole aluminum vertical curtain, jacquard curtain, glass fiber curtain, pinhole cloth curtain, flat woven fabric curtain.
👉 hundred curtain
A hundred sheet curtain.
👉 fold curtains
Folding curtains can be divided into: folding curtains, day and night curtains, sewing room curtains.
👉 Technology curtain
Technology curtains can be divided into: home textile new products, light control curtains, soundproof curtains, energy-saving curtains, invisible curtains, solar curtains.

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